
The Ultimate Guide to Breeding Tropical Fish

PetsDaddy 2023. 5. 31.

The Ultimate Guide to Breeding Tropical Fish


Tropical aquarium fish have been a long-standing hobby for many enthusiasts. They are beautiful, exotic, and come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Breeding these fishes can be a time-consuming hobby, but it can also be a rewarding one, as it gives you access to a variety of offspring. But before you begin, you need to understand the basics of breeding tropical fish to ensure a successful experience. This guide will provide you with the basics of breeding fish, preparing your tank, selecting your fish, and understanding the process of breeding your own.

Setting Up Your Tank

The aquarium itself will play a big role in your successful breeding experience. You will need to make sure your tank is clean and healthy for your fish to reproduce. Make sure the temperature for the tank is between 78-86° F, and the pH should be between 6.8 and 7.4. You should also plan to change up to 20% of the water weekly. Lastly, add a filter to the tank, and adjust it to make sure it’s right for the types of fish you’ll be keeping.

Choosing the Right Fish

Once your aquarium setup is complete, you are ready to select your fish. First, it is important to choose fish that are compatible with each other. When selecting fish, look for signs that they are compatible, such as similar body shapes, swimming speeds, and of similar sizes. Once you’ve selected compatible fish, you should also be aware of the sex of your fish. This is known as sexing, and is necessary if you want your fish to reproduce. Some fish, such as guppies, have male and female genders that are easily distinguishable. Whereas with other fish, like goldfish, you may need to rely on a microscopic examination to distinguish between the sexes.

Process of Breeding

Once your tank is up and running and you’ve chosen your fish, you’re ready to begin the breeding process. It is important to remember that different species of fish require different breeding steps, such as types of food and environmental needs.

Breeding Livebearers

Livebearers, such as guppies and platys, do not lay eggs and will give birth to live fry. To tell if they are ready to breed, look for gravid spots on the female’s abdomen. You will also want to look for behavior changes in your fish. To begin the breeding process, you can introduce a male and female fish into the same tank. If the male is actively courting the female, there is a good chance that breeding will occur. After the female has given birth, remove the parents from the tank, as the parents may eat the fry as they emerge from the sack.

Breeding Egg-Layers

Egg-layers, such as mollies and swordtails, will lay their eggs in a substrate. If the fry hatch in the same tank, make sure the parents will not eat their offspring. To breed egg-layers, separate the male and female for a few days prior to breeding to increase their comfort level for each other. Then, introduce the male and female to the breeding tank; the female will lay eggs in the substrate a few days later. After they’ve laid eggs, remove the parents from the tank so they won’t eat the fry.

Breeding Surface Spawners

Surface spawners, like bettas and gouramis, lay eggs on the surface of the water. This type of breeding is not common because the eggs don’t have much protection. To begin the breeding process, take a clean container and add clean, dechlorinated water, and some floating plants. Introduce both male and female fish into this container, let them adjust for a few minutes, and then remove the parents. The eggs will be laid on the surface of the water and will hatch after a few days; you will need to feed the fry daily until they reach adulthood.


Breeding tropical fish is a fun and rewarding experience. It can be a time-consuming hobby, but if you make sure to set up your tank correctly, choose compatible fish, and understand the process of breeding, you can have an enjoyable and successful experience. With this guide, you should now have a better understanding of the basics of breeding tropical fish. Good luck!
